Agricultural Tools Company.
Founded: March 2018.
Investment: USD 0,50 million.
25 % Eliminating sealing tasks.
50% Reduction of losses due wood diseases.
AGRICOCH SPA is a technology Startup devoted to provide solutions for reducing and preventing wood diseases in fruit trees. Their first project is called “Poda Sana” (Healthy Pruning), a product which unifies the process of pruning and sealing lueberries. The project is targeted to fruit growers, making this process faster and protecting crops from pathogens.
Many diseases attack different fruit species every year. Pruning wounds on fruit trees are the main cause of viral infections and bacterial fungal diseases. They represent more than 5% of losses in fruit orchards.
“Podasana” (healthy pruning), has developed a device attached to handheld pruning shears which allows the application of sealing paste at the same time pruning is carried out, increasing productivity per hectare in 25%. Production losses are reduced in half and fruit farmer revenues are increased.
This invention is related to the supply and application of healing paste during pruning operations. State of technology protection, application PCT/IB2019/059302 was submitted on October 30.
Market size: USD 50 million (2018).
CAGR: 3,4%.
Segment: National Fruit Growers.
Expected Market Size: USD 61 million (2025).
Agricoch is expected to have 2 business models:
1. The first considers the production of the device to be commercialized through agricultural product companies, nationwide.
2. Agricoch will license the technology to other companies in the area, which may want to apply the first business model designed in countries like Peru, Argentina or others in the region, in LATAM.
Oscar Astudillo
Technology Transfer Coordinator
Phone +56 22 389 5600