Know Hub Chile’s Operating Committee was held on November 28th. The corporation also gave presentations at both campuses of the university, Concepción and Chillán, on the work it carries out through its various programs to transform the scientific research results of its partners -universities and research centers- into goods, services, and ventures.

The Centro de Innovación of the Universidad del Bío Bío (UBB), in Concepción, was the venue where representatives of the partner universities of Know Hub Chile met for the Operating Committee on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023.

A team from Know Hub Chile, formed by Javier Ramírez, Executive Director; Óscar Astudillo, Innovation Coordinator; and Sol Uribe and Taky Parvex, Innovation Managers, traveled to the Biobío Region for the meeting, which was held in person and online.

The objective was to inform members of the various activities and programs carried out by the corporation, as well as to highlight the importance of collaborative work. The event also allowed Know Hub Chile and its partners to exchange ideas and concerns.

The Operating Committee is highly relevant for the HUB and its founding partners. “The ideas and programs that are developed are made known to each of the founding partners, who can get involved in the design and implementation of these programs as they are being carried out or in the following year. It is also relevant because it offers the possibility of integrating all the knowledge and needs, which is also known by the rest of the partners, thus generating an environment of collaboration and synergy,” highlights Óscar Astudillo, Innovation Coordinator at Know Hub Chile.

Andrea Bustos, Coordinator of the Transfer and Licensing Office (OTL-UBB), commented that the meeting was very important: “We were able to join the first post-pandemic Operating Committee, attended by partner universities of this corporation, where we reviewed a work plan to bring UBB technologies to the market and connect our research students and entrepreneurs with national and international networks.”

Universidad del Bío-Bío

During the visit to the UBB, Know Hub Chile carried out several activities. Among them, on Wednesday, November 29th, a meeting was held with the Director of Innovation of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Mario Núñez, and the Transfer and Licensing Office team of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, led by Andrea Bustos. Another meeting was held with the UBB Vice President of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. María Angélica Caro, in Chillán.

On the same day, an enriching working session was held, in which the Know Hub Chile team presented about who we are and how we support technology transfer processes to UBB academics and researchers in two informative talks, the first at the Centro de Innovación UBB at the Concepción campus, and the second at the Fernando May campus in Chillán.

“Being able to meet with the Directors of Innovation of both campuses and the Vice President creates the opportunity for the Senior Management of the University and the OTL team to learn about the work we do, as well as the potential collaborations that we can carry out with them and plan the work further into the future, specifically oriented towards the needs that the management and the OTL visualize. All this to pave the way internally with the research teams that lead the technology transfer work at UBB,” said Astudillo.

Know Hub Chile’s partner institutions that participated were: Universidad de Talca, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Universidad del Bío Bío, Universidad de Chile, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Universidad Católica del Maule, Centro de Estudios de Alimentos Procesados, Universidad Austral de Chile, Universidad de Los Lagos, and Universidad Católica de Temuco.